To Advertise or for more information:

Jessica Garrett | 863.528.5624 |

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Lake & Main connects our community by telling the stories of the people and places we cherish. As a locally produced publication, Lake & Main celebrates and elevates local people, businesses, places off the beaten path, arts, culture, diverse beauty, agricultural roots, and much more. Helping us connect with each other and our visitors, the ultimate goal of Lake & Main is to foster authentic and meaningful community connections.

The magazine is to be produced 10 months out of the year and will be mailed directly to 5000 households with a total readership of over 15,000. Our target audience is everyone that lives in the city of Lake Wales, Highland Park, Babson Park, Hillcrest Heights, Mountain Lake, Lake Ashton, and all other unincorporated areas surrounding Lake Wales. We have a limited number of advertising opportunities available that we would like to share with you and your team. We would love to discuss this opportunity with you in greater detail.

Let us connect you with your audience.

Download our Media Kit to find out more.

Many Thanks!


Jessica Garrett | 863.528.5624 |